Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Camera Technology

OK…This little bugger is amazing! (if it works as advertised)

The concept seems sound.  When you take a picture instead of using a shutter that lets in specific information for a specific time frame it gathers all the possible information it can at that moment.  Then using software it renders the picture in such a way that you can actually refocus after the shot.  You can also edit the other characteristics like you would a normal camera but the startling change is in the focus.  If this takes off it could mean a whole new way of taking pictures…

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cultural Shift

I don’t know much about the “Occupy Wall Street” and “99 Percent” movements that are going on right now. Partly because it frustrates me to read about it. I do know, however, that they are protesting “Corporate Greed”. I find this interesting. It seems like in the last generation or so we’ve seen a shift in cultural paradigm from one view to another. The generation before this protesting generation saw that the “boss” made more money and therefore the strove to work hard so that someday they could be the boss and make more money. Capitalism the way it should be I suppose. Motivation derived from a desire to better one’s standing in society and therefore bettering society in general.
This protesting generation, however, seems to have a view of entitlement. “The boss makes more money than me and he shouldn’t because I can’t afford my high speed internet and my college loans that I received when I was working on my obscure degree that couldn’t get me a good job even in a good economy”. Where did this entitlement come from? We see average people make millions for “surviving” on an island for a few months. We see people living their lives as “real housewives” and making much more money they we likely ever will. So where’s our break? How can we get that money without working?
I’m so thankful that my parents raised me to not expect handouts. To work hard for my goals and to manage what I have, being sure to help those who are less fortunate when possible. It makes me wonder how these protestors were raised. Sure there are lots of people without jobs right now, but I can say with 100% certainty that they will not find a job standing on Wall Street with a sign. I don’t know what they hope to achieve but I don’t think they’re going to end up with someone giving them the money to fix their problems. Truthfully, I don't think money, in any quantity, would fix their problems...

Also what are they protesting Wall Street? I recently read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the author makes a good point:

That the economy is “the sum of all the goods and services produced......the products that are made, sold and bought - that’s the Economy”
And he goes on to say that in the Stock Exchange there is no economy and no production of goods and services.
There are are only “fantasies in which people from one hour to the next decide that this or that company is worth so many billions more or less.
It doesn’t have a thing to do with the...economy.

That makes sense to me...and I think I agree though I'm not economist and don't totally understand how the NYSE works. Why protest Wall Street when they're not the one's responsible for our current economy? Maybe the finger for your lack of job should be pointed elsewhere...
Here's one option:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

So long Steve

There are alot of great articles out about Steve Job's life and impact but I think this one is my favorite so far.  It inspires me to reach for more then the mediocre life.  As a Christian it motivates me that this man, who as far as I know did not know the grace of Christ, had such love for life and motivation to live to the maximum potential.  I should live the same way.  We don't know when our last day of life will be.  We shouldn't let moments of opportunity to share the love of Christ pass us by...

Steve Jobs: Making a dent in the Universe (MacWorld)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Happy "Roger that" day.

Monday, October 3, 2011

iPod anniversary

10 Years ago this month Apple introduced the iPod.  Most people criticized it out of the gate but here's on guy who got it amazingly right...

Some of my favorite lines:
"The more than an MP3 player; it's a prototype of the data wallets that we'll all carry around within the decade."
"The iPod descendant will include the hard drive and possibly the processor and OS for running a network PC."
"People used to argue whether the trend was toward an all-in-one gadget that does everything as opposed to a collection of specialized gadgets. If I'm right about the iPod, both sides of this argument are correct; people will use one comprehensive iPod-like storage and connectivity unit in combination with every specialized peripheral you can think of."

Very cool coming from someone 10 years ago...