Monday, January 16, 2012

Waiting is the hardest part...

We had 2 great showers in the past week and have been extremely blessed by everyone’s generosity!  This weekend we spent a lot of time arranging Caleb’s room and making it look “cute”.  It was a lot of fun but now that the room is almost all ready I find myself getting impatient.  I am drawn to his room and just stand there or pace, looking for things to do, praying for Caleb and just generally wanting him to be here.  I think I could just stand there, in his empty room, for hours.  I know Sarah has a lot more reasons to want him here than I do so I can’t imagine how she feels.  It’s been so exciting to see everything come together as we get ready for his arrival in 7 weeks or so.  
Work Shower

A preview of the nursery

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Simplify your life

I found this on twitter via @derekwebb from a blog called Apartment Therapy.  I know nothing of the blog but thought this post was good (I especially like the term "absofrickinglutely"):

In the spirit of keeping it short and sweet, here are five quick suggestions for simplifying your life:
1. When deciding whether or not to do something (or buy something) if the answer is not "Absofrickinglutely!" then let the answer be a definitive, "No." I read this in a book recently, and it has been life-changing. Do you want to volunteer for the school annual fund this year? Well, I guess I should, but....STOP! The answer is no. Do you want to help the first grade bake cookies for Valentine's Day? Absofrickinlutely! You get the idea?
2. Purge, Purge, Purge. I think there are at least one zillion sayings that roughly translate to the less you own, the less that owns you. Grab a bag and purge. A bag a day for 30 days? Sure. And when you are tempted to buy something new, see #1 (Do you absofrickinlutely have to have it?)
3. Set limits to your availability and access to technology. My personal rule is that I log off at 7:30pm every night. No texts, no emails, no internet after that point. That way, I can relax without interruption and spend time with my family. Set limits to checking your email, too. A couple times a day (or a few more depending on your needs.) Otherwise, you can seriously spend your entire day checking your email and sending texts. I also recommend a technology fast every once in awhile. (Talk about feeling healthy and refreshed!)
4. Outsource, delegate, repeat. No one can do it all. (Unless of course, you can, in which case, can you call me so that I can delegate some tasks to you?) Hire a neighbor's cash-thirsty teenager to help with some household chores. Try to find room in your budget to outsource the most time-consuming things on your list.
5. Set your sights on new experiences, not new things. Experiences, more than material things, are what make humans the happiest. Perhaps rather than creating a wish list that includes new "things" (which will require packaging, un-packaging, using, storing, cleaning, upkeep, etc.) think about setting your heart's desire on new experiences. A backpacking trip. A new yoga class. A massage. A night with the TV turned off, cell phones on mute, laptops closed, playing backgammon with loved ones. Simply sublime.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Trip

Over New Year’s weekend we visited a college friend of mine in Ohio.  We had a blast hanging out with him (Matt) and his wife (Kristan) and their two kids (Jaxson and Paisley).  We had so much fun catching up with them and even got a little snow.  We took a vacation day on Tuesday so that we could stay an extra day and boy am I glad we did.  Turns out on Monday there was a 30 car pile-up in the snow in West Virginia on the route we would have taken home and the snow and black ice was terrible.  While we still had some snow (see the picture below) it wasn’t for long stretches and we made it home, amazingly, without seeing a single accident or having any traffic.  What an answer to prayer.  Here are some pictures from our trip:
Paisley going for a ride on Lucy

We did some work on the water heater and Jaxson watches from the Basement

Jaxson playing with Paisley's toy

Lucy enjoyed the extra attention

Had some white out snow on the way home (not much though)