Since Caleb came along a few months ago I’ve spent a lot of time reassessing my habits and practices to see what type of example I set for Caleb. One of the subjects I’ve been dwelling on lately is alcohol. More specifically, should or should I not continue to drink while Caleb grows up.
To start with I thought about whether, as a Christian, I should be drinking in the first place. I asked myself:
Is drinking a sin?
The Bible has a lot to say about drinking wine and there has been debate on whether the term for wine is fermented or not. It can all get very confusing. To save my readers (all 3 of you) from wading through an exegetical argument with verse after verse about drinking I’m going to make some generalities. It seems to me that most instances in the Bible that condemn drinking or show drinking resulting in sin are really pointing at drunkenness. Several times in the Bible there are instances where someone got so drunk they passed out in their tent and caused some type of atrocious sin. I think this is where sin enters into the act of drinking. It is not the drinking itself that is sin but when it is done to the point of loss of discernment that sin rears its head. But even then I don’t think the drinking itself is the sin but rather the actions that come from it. I think that drinking becomes sin when the motive for that drinking is wrong. So that lead to the question:
Why do I drink?
A lot of people drink alcohol to get drunk. They go out Friday night and drink so much they say they can’t remember a thing. They drown their sorrows and “have a blast”. I don’t know about any of that, I’ve never taken it that far. I drink because I like the taste, the way wine compliments food, the sophistication of its flavor. I like the taste of a good, well-made ale and the smooth coolness as it goes down. I don’t drink to find joy in a glass. I don’t drink to push down troubles in my life. For that I have a Savior to confide mytroubles in and who gives me joy unmatched by anything man has concocted. Would it be a sin for me to look to other things to find that joy? Absolutely. Whether that thing is alcohol or drugs or chocolate, if I’m looking for something else to make me whole it is idolatry (and I will never find the satisfaction I seek). So if I’m not drinking to drown sorrows or find happiness, then how is drinking alcohol any different than enjoying a good cup of coffee? Enjoying the creativeness of a Creator God combined with the resourcefulness of created man that produces the various foods and drinks we enjoy.
So I decided that I was not sinning by drinking. I also realize that this is not a view shared by all Christians and try to be considerate of that and not push my beliefs on others, nor drink around someone who wouldn’t be comfortable with it. That being said, where does that leave me in how to raise Caleb? Well this post is already crazy long for a blog and most people have probably stopped reading already so I’ll save that entry for another day…