Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Prestige

So Sarah and I watched a movie called the Prestige last night.  It wasn't the first time I'd seen it so instead of trying to figure it all out I was able to just watch and enjoy it.  If you haven't see it then I won't spoil it for you but it's a great movie with Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Cain, and Scarlett Johansson.  It's about 2 competing magicians (illusionists) and how their competition evolves into an obsession for Hugh Jackman.  Anyway, part of the movie has a Michael Cain explaining that each magic trick has 3 acts, The Pledge, The Turn, and The Prestige.  The Pledge is when the magician sets up his trick and introduces something ordinary.  The Turn is when he does something extraordinary with that ordinary thing (saws a woman in half, makes a bird/man disappear).  But, Cain explains, that is not enough, the audience does not applaud yet. You need a Third Act, The Prestige, where the magician brings it all back to normal (repairs the woman, reappears the bird or man).  Now I'm not someone who tends to find spirituality in every movie I watch or song I listen too.  But it struck me last night lying in bed that it wouldn't have been enough for Jesus to have died on the cross for us.  (Something I've always know but just found this cool parallel to emphasize it) Jesus need to rise again, he needed "The Prestige".  Of course Jesus was no magician or illusionist, he literally died and literally rose from the dead. But I think the interesting thing is just like you have no magic trick without the Prestige, you have no salvation without the resurrection.  An obvious thought to some but maybe a startling conclusion for others.  There are other great parallels in this move about obsession, living an act, self sacrifice for a goal, but you can dwell on those on your own.


  1. Love that movie- and excited to hear you're blogging!

  2. I love that movie, too, but never made that connection. Then again, even after watching it several times I never caught on to the 3 part thing...
