Thursday, June 2, 2011

Long Time

It’s been a long time since I blogged last.  Maybe blogging isn’t for me.  I’ve had things come to mind where I thought “that’d be a good blog post” but then I think about it and realize it’s either 1) way to personal to share on the internet with possibly complete strangers or 2) it’s something that I don’t think people will care about.

I struggle throwing personal thoughts and feelings out into cyberspace because I really feel like those types of things should be shared one on one.  I’m talking about deep thoughts and struggles obviously, not the everyday life things that some people blog about.  Take my wife’s blog for example (  She does a great job blogging about her interests and events in her life. Those type of things are great for a blog.  I could do a blog like that but I tend to be a deep thinker that over thinks things and analyzes things.  I don’t know if I’d be satisfied with a blog that just talked about my interests and there’s no need for me to blog about events in my life because that would be redundant with Sarah blogging about them. 

Even now I’m thinking to myself, why am I writing a blog post about this, who will care?  Probably no one.  That’s okay.  I think I’m going to change this blog into a “Things Ben finds interesting blog” where I can post cool technology, interesting articles, things like that.  That way you can get insight into who I am without me having to spill my guts or get to personal.  So if you want to see things I’m interested in then follow this blog, otherwise just ignore me.  Most of what I post will be found on various other blogs and will likely not be original but that’s okay, I’ll cite the source. 

Enough for now.  We’ll see how the renovation of my blog goes…


  1. awww sad! I care and your daddy post was one of my favorites :) Will you e-mail me instead? or have a family e-mail list you send your deep thoughts to?

  2. Whatever you choose to blog is fine by me! I'll keep checking it out. Seriously, I understand your hesitation to just throw out personal and deep-seeded thoughts for all to see. There is a delicate balance. The online community is currently inundated with supposed "deep thoughts." I honestly place most of them on the "Bumper Sticker Theology" shelf never to be viewed again. But there is one truth that surpasses the depth of it all, and that is the truth of Jesus Christ. That my friend, is Who you are and Who you live through. And if that is too deep for a blog, then forget it. So show me things that I can waste my money on :-) You know I love a good deal, especially in the technological realm. But I will always know where you are coming from, so don't worry about depth. You have all the depth you need.
